Telnet 25
220 exc07.smtp25.org Microsoft ESMTP MAIL Service ready at Tue, 25 Dec 2007 18:5
1:08 -0500
250 exc07.smtp25.org Hello []
mail from:telnet25@gmail.com
530 5.7.1 Client was not authenticated
The anonymous users do not have permission on the "Default receive connector."
Click on Server configuration
Click on Hub Transport, select default receive connector and go to properties
Click on Permission group
Tick the check box where is says "Anonymous users"
Now try the telnet on port 25 to your mail server, everything should work.
Now we will achieve the same results from exchange management shell. First mission is to figured out the name of the connector so, after opening management shell
[PS] C:\>Get-ReceiveConnector
Here is the output
EXC07\Default EXC07
EXC07\Client EXC07
Now I know the name of the receive connectors. (EXC07 is the name of my Exchange server)
I will use following command to achieve the same results from management shell.
[PS] C:\>Set-ReceiveConnector "default exc07" -PermissionGroups:c
http://smtp25.blogspot.com/2007/12/530- ... ed_25.html